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Lovington MainStreet’s Local Innovators Institute Inaugural Program Thriving, Funded for Next Year


Food Service Accelerator Program Supported Five Restaurant Entrepreneurs

Lovington, N.M.Lovington MainStreet welcomed five entrepreneurs to the first cohort of the Local Innovators Institute in February 2020. After successfully completing seven weeks of educational and hands-on training, Lovington is getting to taste a variety of cuisines in downtown. Since May, each entrepreneur is getting a chance to occupy the Local Innovators Institute’s food truck for two weeks in order to build their business and sell their product. The main goal of this program is to position Lovington as a destination by creating a dining and entertainment district in downtown.

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Daily Update, Thursday, June 27, 2024

907 Views   Ground efforts hindered by severe weather conditions Interactive property map updates available for Village of Ruidoso. Property access status updates are available, including

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