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Near pre-pandemic travel volumes expected to continue through December holidays

With a smooth start to holiday travel season, TSA provides tips for less stress travel
Sign up for TSA PreCheck® today to travel with ease later this month

WASHINGTON – The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screened just under 21 million travelers during the 10-day Thanksgiving holiday. The agency expects high travel volumes into the December holidays and encourages passengers planning to travel this holiday season to sign up for TSA PreCheck® to provide more convenience and save time at the airport.

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BLM Announces New Public Lands Rule

Views 5 Today, county commissioners, mayors, and council members, along with The Mountain Pact, an organization that works with local elected officials across the West,

NEW Inside NM! Episode #234

Views 4 Steve Pearce, with co-hosts Derek Underhill and Danielle Hernandez, discuss and share their perspectives on the hottest news making local and national headlines.

The New Mexico News Network is a service of the New Mexico Broadcasters Association. 

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