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Updated advisory: Climate Justice Day rally outdoors today to accommodate COVID concerns

Today, more than 20 environmental and community groups will join legislators to call attention to important legislation protecting our climate and opening doors to thriving communities in New Mexico. Because of the COVID surge at the Roundhouse, the 1 p.m. rally will now be held outside, and some tables will be staged outside, but those who feel comfortable going inside will also learn how to lobby their legislators, get support in finding and connecting with them, and speak at committee hearings.

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BLM Announces New Public Lands Rule

Views 6 Today, county commissioners, mayors, and council members, along with The Mountain Pact, an organization that works with local elected officials across the West,

NEW Inside NM! Episode #234

Views 4 Steve Pearce, with co-hosts Derek Underhill and Danielle Hernandez, discuss and share their perspectives on the hottest news making local and national headlines.

The New Mexico News Network is a service of the New Mexico Broadcasters Association. 

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