capitol reports

Capitol Report – January 22, 2024



The hustle and bustle of the 30-day legislative session starts its second week.

Jason Espinoza reports from the Roundhouse:

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This is Jason Espinoza with today’s capitol report.

Today marks the start of the second week of the short 30-day legislative session. In line with tradition both the Senate and the House did not have floor sessions last week on Friday so that in many cases legislators could make the long drive home to see their families and friends one last time before the session hits its stride. Although one committee, the House Energy, Environment, & Natural Resources Committee did meet on Saturday morning.

Only four days into this legislative session, over 315 pieces of legislation have been introduced with the House of Representatives introducing 169 bills, 7 memorials, and 6 constitutional amendments. On the other hand, the State Senate introduced 117 bills, 5 memorials, and 11 constitutional amendments.

One piece of legislation has already made its way through both chambers and is headed to the Governor’s desk. That bill is House Bill 1, more commonly referred to as the Feed Bill. That bill appropriates $41 million from the general fund and cash balances for legislative session expenses and to various agencies for interim expenses, including Fiscal Year 25 operating budgets of the Legislative Council Service, Legislative Finance Committee, Legislative Education Study Committee, and House and Senate chief clerk offices.

For the New Mexico News Network, I’m Jason Espinoza

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