Two Years Into Pandemic, Domestic Migration Trends Shifted

420 Views   Domestic Outmigration From Some Urban Counties Slowed, Smaller Gains in Rural Counties The COVID-19 pandemic changed the U.S. population in many ways, including births, deaths and international migration. One of its more intriguing impacts was on domestic migration patterns. Some longstanding trends accelerated, such as outmigration from large urban areas in the Northeast, while other trends […]

Super Bowl LVII: Fun Facts About Players and Places

439 Views   Forget soccer, for now. American football will consume millions of viewers’ attention Sunday when the Kansas City Chiefs face the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl LVII. The Chiefs are two-time champs (2020, 1970) and the Eagles won once (2018).

National Poverty in America Awareness Month: Measuring Poverty

915 Views   America Counts: Stories Behind the Numbers There were 37.3 million people in poverty in 2020, according to the official poverty measure. In contrast, there were 29.8 million people in poverty that same year, according to the Supplemental Poverty Measure. While these measures may seem at odds with each other, they each present a different […]

America Recycles Day: November 15, 2021

811 Views    According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “On America Recycles Day 2019 (November 15), EPA recognized the importance and impact of recycling, which has contributed to American prosperity and the protection of our environment. The recycling rate has increased from less than 7 percent in 1960 to the current rate of 32 percent. An […]

Will Unemployment Insurance After Pandemic Follow Same Path as After Great Recession?

861 Views   Fewer Received Unemployment Insurance as U.S. Recovered From Great Recession In 2018, the share of adults who received Unemployment Insurance (UI) at some point during the year reached a six-year low as the economy strengthened following the Great Recession. Also, 7 in 10 adults who received UI at any point during 2018 received it […]