“Un-owned” cattle in the Gila shot

532 Views   Almost 70 cows shot so far in a controversial program to curb environmental damage done by the animals, Grant County reaction to the end of the indoor mask mandate, and a legislative post-mortem with two lawmakers.

13 New Mexico locations to be renamed to remove offensive term

636 Views   NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – Thirteen sites in New Mexico will be renamed to remove a word many Native Americans find offensive. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland has ordered the 660 spots across the country that contain the word “squaw” to be renamed.

Here’s where you still have to wear a mask in New Mexico

553 Views   ALBUIQUERQUE, N.M. — The state of New Mexico ended its mask mandate last week after Gov. Lujan Grisham announced the news in a press conference on Thursday. However, there are still places in New Mexico that require people to wear a mask.