
Teacher shortage continues to plague New Mexico

585 Views   “The teacher shortage has been great in New Mexico. They need to have high-quality, well-prepared teachers,” Mathers said. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The Golden Apple Foundation held a roundtable at the Albuquerque Community Foundation center on Wednesday, Sept. 20, to discuss the impacts of New Mexico’s teacher shortage.

Early educators advocating for higher wages and better support

650 Views   Parents and teachers talk about improvements to early education system. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Parents and early educators from across New Mexico love their kids, and they care about their futures. They say something needs to be done to address the state’s early education system.

UNM professor publishes homegrown nonfiction novel

652 Views   After writing primarily fiction novels and children’s books, Betsy James – University of New Mexico professor, author, and illustrator – released her nonfiction book, “Breathing Stone: Living Small in a Southwest Village” on May 30, 2023.

New Mexico legislature tackles teacher shortage

712 Views   New Mexico is still fighting a teacher shortage, and state lawmakers are working to combat it. There are two bills in our legislature aimed at putting a dent in the shortage. New Mexico is still fighting a teacher shortage, and state lawmakers are working to combat it.
